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  • Nation : -
  • Local Price : 350 kr
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  • Local Price : 250 kr
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  • Local Price : 250 kr
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  • Local Price : 250 kr
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  • Local Price : 250 kr
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  • Local Price : 250 kr
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  • Local Price : 160 kr
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  • Local Price : 150 kr
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  • Local Price : 140 kr
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  • Local Price : 130 kr
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  • Local Price : 120 kr
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  • Nation : British
  • Local Price : ck on pictures to see enlarged photo&qu
ENGLISH SILVER HILT SMALL-SWORD. ENGLISH SILVER HILT SMALL-SWORD: Circa 1745-1750. No Maker or Hallmarks on the hilt. An identical sword is illustrated on Plate 22 of “London Silver Hilted Swords” by Leslie Southwick. The 34” triangular blade is very nice with a pleasing patina overall. A small hole on the top of the pommel looks deliberate, possibly from which to have hung a tassel. VG+ S2750.00
  • Nation : British
  • Local Price : £
Rare Officer’s Spadroon for the St. James’ (Westminster) Loyal Volunteers. Show More
  • Nation : British
  • Local Price : £
Early 1845 Pattern Blade Light Cavalry Officer’s Sword by Hamburger. Show More
  • Nation : British
  • Local Price : £
Indian Army Cavalry Sabre by Mole. Show More
  • Nation : British
  • Local Price : £
1890 Pattern Cavalry Sword with Wilkinson Special Display Etching. In order to provide you with the best online experience this website uses cookies. By using our website, you agree to our use of cookies. More Info. ’, translatedPageUrl: ’’, isFastMigrationSite: false, sidebarPosition: ’NA’, currentLanguage: ’en’, currentLocale: ’en-gb’, NavItems: ’{}’, errors: { general: ’There was an error connecting to the page. 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size-adjust: 88.2743%; line-gap-override: 0%; } eastonantiquearms@gmail.com
  • Nation : British
  • Local Price : £
Early 1846 Pattern Royal Navy Officer’s Sword. Show More
  • Nation : Italian
  • Local Price : £
Italian M1860 Cavalry Sabre by Schnitzler & Kirschbaum. Show More
  • Nation : Italian
  • Local Price : £
Swedish M1854 Cavalry Sword. Show More
  • Nation : Italian
  • Local Price : £
US M1860 Civil War Cavalry Sabre by Roby. Show More
  • Nation : British
  • Local Price : £
Scare Early British Indian Army Cavalry (Sowar) Sabre. Show More
  • Nation : Russian
  • Local Price : $1,500.00
The Motherland Calls by Sculptor Yevgeny Vuchetich - Mayer Antiques & Collectibles. The Motherland Calls or in literal translation from Russian: Homeland-Mother Is Calling! is a statue of a woman stepping forward with a raised sword representing the Soviet or Russian Motherland calling on its sons and daughters to repulse the enemy and return to the attack.  This Soviet era sculpture which started construction in May 1959 and completed on 15 October 1967 is the compositional center of the monument-ensemble “Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad” on Mamayev Kurgan in Volgograd, Russia.  It was designed by sculptor Yevgeny Vuchetich and structural engineer Nikolai Nikitin, and declared the tallest statue in the world in 1967 when complete.  At 85 m (279 ft), it is the tallest statue in Europe, the tallest outside of Asia and the tallest statue (excluding pedestals) of a woman in the world. This Motherland Calls sculpture by Yevgeny Vuchetich is a beautiful representation of Soviet art with an art nuevo twist. Dimensions: Height: 62.5 cm (24.6 inches) Width: 13.5 cm x 13.5 (5.3 inches) Weight: 6.3 Kg (13.8 lbs)
  • Nation : German
  • Local Price : Price on request
Very Rare German Lansknecht Katzbalger Sword Circa 1540-60:. 323) Very Rare German Lansknecht Katzbalger Sword Circa 1540-60: Beautiful sword for sale. The Katzbalger sword is a rare short close combat sword for the Landsknecht mercenaries in 16th century Germany. It has a thick double blade with a circular point and a highly defensive circular eight guard. This example was found in a city wall. From one of the best private collections in the world. Contact Me To Get The Latest Lowest Price Possible From The Owner*
  • Nation : British
  • Local Price : Price on request
EXCEPTIONALY RARE NORMAN TYPE 41 SWORD WITH ORIGINAL GRIP CIRCA 1560: . Description: Constructed with a tapering blade with a medial ridge, wheel-shaped pommel with square finial, what appears to be an original or working life leather grip, expanding at the ends rectangular guard with curvatures at the tip and facing in opposite directions, quillon block in a chevron shape with two gutters on each side,  knuckle guard extending to the pommel, two finger guards and a ring guard. Condition very good, perhaps slightly over cleaned. Dimensions: total length 41 inches, blade 35 inches. Comparables: -Metropolitan Museum of Art, accession # 14.25.1169 (pl 7). -The State Hermitage Museum St. Petersburg, Z.O. # 1950. – An exceptionally ornate example signed by Damianus de nerve is preserved in The Waffensammlung in Vienna Inv. #A586. Conclusion: For the collector who wants the rare of the rare, here it is. This sword has a very elegant design. It’s the only one of this typology I have had in 35 years. ACT NOW, or you could be very disappointed. I have no idea if I will ever have another. I believe you will be very¦.very¦. pleased. All my items come with the following: “Free shipping. “10-day review period. “Certificate of Authenticity. “ Free autographed copy of my book if you do not have one.
  • Nation : -
  • Local Price : Price on asking
Rare Chief’s Grade Presentation Fowler Attributed to Sauk Chief Blackhawk.
  • Nation : Spanish
  • Local Price : Price on request
MINT CONDITION DECORATED BILBAO SWORD WITH ORIGINAL LINING WITH THE COAT OF ARMS OF PORTUGAL:. 1295) MINT CONDITION DECORATED BILBAO SWORD WITH ORIGINAL LINING WITH THE COAT OF ARMS OF PORTUGAL: The bilbao is a highly effective Spanish slash-and-thrust sword. It was used primarily in the 1700s. Construction: The hilt is etched en suite; it&#acute; constructed of two half-shell guards and a knuckle guard. The etched decoration on both shells amazingly retains its original lining. The pommel on all bilbao swords is designed not to be as big as on other swords with the same size blades or weight. The blade is a flattened hexagonal-shaped double-edged blade tapering to a sharp tip. The coat of arms of Portugal is the main heraldic insignia at the base of the half shell, it was used by the Portuguese Kingdom since the Middle Ages. Conclusion: Why did this sword survive in such a fantastic mint condition? Because it is exceptionally beautiful, and the past owners knew they had something special worth taking extra good care of. This sword will adorn any collection or museum. They just don&#acute;Ã
  • Nation : Russian
  • Local Price : $450.00
Russian Bronze Plaque of Two Fighting Knights. Russian bronze relief plaque of two fighting knights with the writing: “Whoever enters the sword with us, will perish by the sword! (Alexander Nevsky)”. The scene seems to be of a Russian knight on horseback that has defeated a Western knight by killing him with his spear. 20th century.  Original label on the back. Dimensions  Height: 56 cm Width: 28 cm Weight: 840 gr
  • Nation : -
  • Local Price : Price on asking
Gold and Silver Damascened Rapier in the Style of Diego DeCaias, Dated 1556. Featuring 16th Century 40 3/4″ diamond-section blade with 9″ central fuller inscribed “JVAN MARTINEZ EN TOLEDO” on one side and “PRO ARIS ET FECIT” on the other; 2 ½” rectangular ricasso stamped with the mark of either Juan Martinez the Elder (Hawtrey Gyngell p.85) or Zabala Juan Martinez de Garata (Hawtrey-Gyngell p. 88). Later steel hilt of flattened bars featuring straight quillons expanding toward the ends with button finials; large obverse side ring extending from a triangular quillon block; pas d'ane with smaller side ring below; reverse with two diagonal bars extending from the lower side ring and joining the quillon block; knuckle bow with S-shaped finial stopping short of the pommel. One-piece steel grip and faceted ovoid pommel with button. Hilt is damascened with gold tendrils and border with additional border of silver dots. Grip has central gold and silver figure of Hector in armor with sword and shield and the inscription “HEC/TOR/1556″ in gold on the obverse and the figure of Achilles with the inscription “ACHI/LES” on the reverse. Side rings decorated with gold and silver cavalry and infantry soldiers in battle around a walled city, depicting the siege of Troy, and marked “RAPT/VS HELE” in gold on the upper side ring and “TROOE/N 1556″ on the lower. The damascene is in the style of Diego DeCaias, the 16th C swordsmith and damascener who worked for French King Francois I and later English Kings Henry VIII and Edward IV. A very similar sword, also depicting the figures of Hector and Achilles and the siege of Troy in gold and silver damascene, was sold by Christies on 15 July, 1999 (price realized $28,883) from the Rothschild Collection; formerly in the collections of Frederic Spitzer and the Comte d' Armaille' and exhibited in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna. While considered by many to be authentic and known to have been described in literature as early as 1846, experts now consider the hilt to have been a later work and not that of DeCaias himself. The price realized certainly suggests that the purchaser also did not believe the hilt to be 16th C, or the price would undoubtedly have been six figures. It is possibly the work of the Zuloagas Family of Spain in the 19th C. The Rothschild sword, like the example offered here, also was fitted with an original 16th C blade, though that was the work of Federico Piccinino of Milan. In 1970 Claude Blair wrote an article about DeCaias' work for the Metropolitan Museum Journal. In that article is illustrated a very similar sword, though the figure of Achilles appears on the obverse instead of Hector. Other minor differences prove that sword is not the one offered here, but the style is the same. The example offered here was obtained in Spain in 2002 and no previous provenance has been established. Since that time the owner has had extensive communication about the sword with Claude Blair (Royal Armouries, Tower of London, and Victoria and Albert Museum) and also with Stuart Phyrr of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. While neither expressed an opinion as to its date of manufacture, both considered it important enough to have devoted a considerable amount of time to its evaluation. Copies of this correspondence included with the sword. Overall length of this sword is 47 3/8″.
  • Nation : British
  • Local Price : $800.00
Iron Plaque of Commemorating the Deutsche Legionendenkmal 1803-1816. Iron Plaque of Commemorating the Deutsche Legionendenkmal 1803-1816 King’s German Legion which fought in the Napoleonic wars. The plaque has the following writing: Iron plaque “Legionendenkmal” 1803-1816 Cast iron memorial war plaque for the Deutsche Legion (King’s German Legion) Which was formed in 1803 to fight in the Napoleonic Wars. A relief sculpture of a horse rearing above a defeated enemy – the fallen man Has lifted his shield to protect himself from the horse’s hooves. The two are situated on a base that displays the Legion motto: Nec Aspera Terrent (Hardships do not deter us) above 1803-1816. The plaque is signed by H. Wedemeyer (1927, H. Wedemeyer, by Lauchhammer) Eagles on both sides say: Waterloo, Royal Scots Greys.  These were a cavalry regiment of the British Army from 1707 until 1971.  The regiment had a famous cavalry charge which broke French lines and captured the French Eagle emblem flag. Dimensions Length: 30 cm /11.8 inches Width: 24 cm / 9.4 inches Weight: 1.4 Kg / 3 lbs.
  • Nation : British
  • Local Price : £
Unusual Naval Cutlass with earlier blade. Show More
  • Nation : British
  • Local Price : £
Light Cavalry Trooper Sword 1821 Pattern by Osborn. Show More
  • Nation : British
  • Local Price : £
Napoleonic Officer’s Sabre - British or Continental. Show More
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